£111.00 GBP

4 monthly payments

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Path of the Magdalene - Initiation III - 4 Payments

Available only to people who have taken level I and II initiations.

This is an in-person teaching in Glastonbury with Anaïs and one or more Magdalene priestesses accompanying her. In level III we build the bridge with the masculine and deepen the connection to allow the Magdalene seed to flourish in every aspect of our life. If you wish, you will be able to hold Magdalene circles and practice rose healing after this initiation.

This level includes the practice of Magdalene rituals and ceremonies, receiving and integration of an extra rose, learning additional Magdalene healing practises and deepening the teachings and understanding of the content of the first two initiations. During the initiation we will also visit and tune into the energy of some of the sacred sites of Glastonbury.

* The price of the initiation does not include accommodation or entrance fees to the sites. Upon subscription, you will be sent a list of different accommodation options in Glastonbury.